Thursday, May 6, 2010

Growing and Learning

I am hopefully doing both.  My patio garden is always a work in progress, some years more successful than others, depending on how much time, money and effort I can apply to it.  I feel that I'm having some good progress out there, although there's a few plants, including my fuschia and jasmine I am waiting to see results on.  I am also learning to manipulate this blog.  I made a nice header for it, I don't if I did it how others do, but there it is.  I am looking forward to learning more about how to share and link and join in with the wonderful people I have been following in blogland.  I am also looking forward to sharing more of my patio and home with everyone.

I had tried to take a quick photo of the little hummingbid who visits my feeder without opening the screen door wide enough to scare him away.  Too bad I didn't have the camera on zoom, he's there  but not very easy to find.

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